Quality Practice

»What is Quality Practice? This musician’s guide brings up and discusses all aspects relevant to the subject of practice in a competent, constructive and accessible way. This book is a treasure trove for all enthusiastic practitioners and learners of music! I hope it enjoys a broad dissemination!«

Prof. Dr. Eckart Altenmüller
(Director of the Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians’ Medicine)

»… provides not only an excellent theoretical background for efficient practising strategies but also a vast amount of advice and ‘tips & tricks’«

Martin Prchal
(Vice-principal, Royal Conservatoire of The Hague)

»… every musician should read and use it«

Aad de Been
(Head of Music Education, Royal Conservatoire of The Hague)

Quality Practice: A musician’s guide is a resource for musicians and those who train musicians. The information and tools provided are grounded on current knowledge from the fields of psychology, neuroscience and pedagogy, and applied to the teaching and self-teaching of performing musicians.

The book begins with a section about current motor learning theories and a description of a holistic approach to music-making. The second section – ‘The Art of Practicing’ – describes sixteen keys to quality practice in four categories:

  • Foundations: Mindset and self-efficacy, Wellness, Motivation and Goals
  • Self-regulation: Self-assessment, Planning practice, Assessing performance and Feedback
  • Exploration: Varied practice, Random Practice, Improvisation and Flow
  • Attentional focus: Observational practice, Mental training, External focus and Audiation
Each topic is described, and practical applications are offered. An extensive literature review is offered at the end of the book.
Included in the book are Practice cards – to put on your music stand and ‘play with’.

Order form

Quality Practice is Available for € 25,00 in Germany and € 30,00 in EU (including postage costs). For information about postage costs to countries outside the EU, contact info@quality-practice.com

To order a copy, please fill out this form. You will receive an email with bank details and a confirmation of your order.

If you would like to have an online version for your institution (in English or German), contact info@quality-practice.com.

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Feedback from those who have read and tried out material from the book is very welcome. If you have feedback or some practice tools of your own to share, please send it to info@quality-practice.com.


Thank you for this wonderful guide. I find it of great importance for all the students, quite a treasure. I have made a point of sharing and discussing it with all my students.

It is a subject that is naturally close to my heart, especially since I am more and more involved in the education of younger talent.

In a concise way you collected and formulated very valuable information that seems deeply rooted in experience and knowledge.

(Head of Piano Department from a major European Conservatoire)


Workforms from the book Quality Practice are freely available for you and your students to use. Download them here.

Worksheet 1
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6
Worksheet 6
Worksheet 7
Worksheet 7
Worksheet 8
Worksheet 8
Worksheet 9
Worksheet 9
Worksheet 10
Worksheet 10