What’s new?

Here you’ll find the latest news about my activities, workshops and projects.

Course in teaching Quality Practice

Course in teaching Quality Practice

The training for vocal and instrumental teachers sponsored by the Netzwerk Musikhochschulen of Germany took place over 4 weekends in the Cologne Musikhochschule.  It was enthusiastically attended and brought a lot of inspiration for us all! Stay tuned for...

Book launch!

Book launch!

My handbook Quality Practice is now available in English and in German (‘Optimal Üben’).

First Quality Practice Workshop in Lübeck, July 2017

First Quality Practice Workshop in Lübeck, July 2017

What's new? The publication of Quality Practice/Optimal Üben was kicked off with a workshop for teachers and students at the Hochschule Lübeck where I was joined by colleague Gerda van Zelm. Lots of engagement, interaction and ideas for the future! More...

23-26 May 2018Stadpfeifer Workshop (Bremen)

23-26 May 2018
Stadpfeifer Workshop (Bremen)

The Bach-Gesellschaft Bremen is sponsoring a workshop for trumpeters, oboists and bassoon players with repertoire written for the Stadtpfeifer (town musicians) by Telemann, Bach and other German composers.

3-8 July 2018Clarincanto (Zutphen)

3-8 July 2018
Clarincanto (Zutphen)

As part of the Zutphen Summer Academy, a workshop celebrating the vocality of the natural trumpet will take place. Repertoire from Italy, Spain, Germany and England for voice and trumpet will be explored and performed.


10-14 July 2017Viva Vivaldi (Venice)

10-14 July 2017
Viva Vivaldi (Venice)

Baroque trumpeters can join this Summer Academy celebrating the music of Vivaldi, which takes place on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice.

13-14 October 2017Lectures and workshop

13-14 October 2017
Lectures and workshop

Lectures and workshop at the Fachdidaktik und Lehrpraxis im Austausch and at the Symposium »Challenge accepted. Herausforderrungen im Berufsalltag von Instrumental- und Gesangslehrkräften« in Graz